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SUPANNIGA蘇潘泰 |【晚餐周末福利】带家人吃泰奶奶的私房菜







也可以在泰国吃一圈na ka~

△伊森咸蛋青木瓜沙拉 Tum Thai Khai Kem

Supanniga Eating Room蘇潘泰主打泰国东部达叻府以及东北部伊森的奶奶家常菜。这次进军北京也同时带来其主打正宗的泰国伊森街边美食的姐妹餐厅颂丹德Somtum Der。在干燥的东北伊森,在田里劳动后的农夫们都会吃上清爽的酸辣肉碎沙拉和解暑的青木瓜沙拉配糯米饭的喔!

Supanniga Eating Room focuses on Eastern Thai Trad Province and Northeastern Thai-Isan family recipes. In our current venture into Beijing, we are hand-in-hand with our sister brand, Somtum Der, which presents the best street food Isan has to offer. In the dry climate, the farmers would eagerly gobble down the refreshingly sour and spicy minced meat salad (larb) together with the hydrating papaya salad which is accompanied by tasty glutinous rice. 


The brand is well-known globally for their Isan-style papaya salad. In their outlets throughout New York, Brooklyn, Tokyo and Taipei, they boast a wide selection of tens of types of papaya salad. Its New York branch has even received one Michelin Star back in 2016. From 2018 til present day, they have been included in the Thai Michelin Restaurant Guide.

△2016年摘下米其林一星的颂丹德 Somtum Der NYC - Michelin One Star New York 2016

青木瓜沙拉是伊森最有名的菜系。咸蛋青木瓜沙拉也是全球颂丹德Somtum Der门店里卖得最好的菜品。

Papaya salad is Isan's most famous dish. Incidentally, the salted egg papaya salad(tum thai khai kem) is globally the best-selling dish in all the Somtum Der outlets in the world.

△传统青木瓜沙拉 Tum Thai

在Supanniga蘇潘泰,来自Somtum Der的沙拉有传统青木瓜沙拉、咸蛋青木瓜沙拉、酸辣肉碎沙拉供选择。伊森青木瓜沙拉讲究有鲜、甜、咸、辣、酸打开味蕾配上香滑咸香的咸蛋,仿佛一下子就回到了泰国。

In Supanniga, we offer the traditional papaya salad (tum thai), tum thai khai kem and larb from Somtum Der's menu. Isan-style papaya salad opens up tastebuds with their multitude of flavors, transporting us back to Thailand in a split second.

△酸辣鸭肉碎沙拉 Larb Ped


Larb, a national dish of Lao, is a spicy salad often made with chicken, pork, duck or mushroom, flavored with fish sauce, lime juice, chilli, ground toasted rice and fresh herbs such as mint and Thai coriander. Because Isan is bordering Laos, it is natural that larb is also the most popular streetfood in Isan. This mouth-watering dish is often eaten together with papaya salad and glutinous rice.

△蟹肉崂叶红咖喱 Gaeng Pu Bai Cha Plu


This curry dish is made with handpicked Sri Lankan crabs for its juicy flesh and premium crab roe. Apart from the fresh crabmeat, this curry stands out with its textured flavors thanks to the addition of betel leaves. Despite the fact that it is sizzlingly spicy, we can almost guarantee you will not stop at just one bite. In fact, you will be asking for more rice!

△大虾冬阴功清汤 Tom Yum Goong Clear Soup


Customers can choose between a clear broth or creamy broth for this Thai national dish. Typically, foreigners prefer the creamy broth as the coconut milk seems to tone down the spices. On the other hand, the clear chicken broth is always welcome on a cold winter's day. This superior broth is packed with fresh herbs such as lemongrass, Thai coriander, galangal and bird's eye chilli, before being seasoned with green limes and premium fish sauce. Served together with the freshest jumbo prawns and an assortment of mushrooms, be prepared for a burst of multiple flavors!

△顶级鱼露干炸海鲈鱼配酸芒果沙拉 Ka Pong Tod Nam Pla Dee


This is just a no-frills yet complete delicious dish. With the premium fish sauce imported directly from Khun Yai's hometown - Trad Province, the freshly fried seabass becomes tastier than ever. 

Credit: www.tasteatlas.com


Pa Nang is a thick, salty and sweet red curry with a zesty makrut lime flavor. The curry paste is made of dried chillied, galangal, lemongrass, makrut lime zest, coriander root, coriander seed, cumin seed, garlic, shallots, shrimp paste and peanuts. This is a meat stew cooked together with makrut lime leaves, coconut milk, curry paste, palm sugar and fish sauce. Similar to rendang, it contains thick coconut milk with little other liquid. Supanniga's Pa Nang is also highly recommended by Thai Michelin Guide. If you are vegetarian or vegan, our Pa Nang Tofu will be your top favorite. 

△牛腱帕能咖喱 Pa Nang Nue Lai

△帕能咖喱豆腐 Pa Nang Tofu


At Supanniga, we serve no royal cuisine, but only the most authentic dishes from our grandmother's kitchen using the freshest ingredients, and attention to all details in both cooking and plating. We believe that home-cooked food always speaks for itself without trying too much. So, you can expect a no-frills dining experience with century-old recipes hailing from Eastern Trad and Northeastern Isan Thailand. Welcome to Khun Yai's home kitchen na ka~




B115, CP Center, No.20 Guanghua Road 

Chaoyang District, Beijing.

营业时间 Opening Hours
11:00 - 21:00

For More Info 更多咨询

+86-10-6500 8068


Wechat ID: supanniga666888 



Instagram: supannigachina

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